rebuilding family relationships

build A joyful Future

professional career
professional counselor

is this as good as it gets?

Maybe you’re mourning your biggest successes in the rearview mirror. Perhaps you’re facing a career change or retirement, or a long-term relationship has ended. Your hobbies and friendships don’t feel sustainable or fulfilling enough. Maybe you’re questioning every decision you’ve ever made up to today. You feel anxious and stuck.

I can help you get back on track towards building a joyful future.

“In life, as in chess, forethought wins.”

—Charles Buxton

friends exercising

your best possible future

You don’t need to settle for just going through the motions.

In our work together, I will help you:

  • Make decisions that are in line with your goals and values

  • Adjust your mindset about what your life can look like

  • Create an ideal living situation now and strategize for the longer-term

  • Prioritize self-care and your health

  • Navigate career or retirement-related challenges

friends watching sports

a better future is possible